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Fracht Australia - Updated Privacy Policy


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Fracht Australia Pty Limited 


Privacy Policy 

Our Commitment to your Privacy 

Your privacy is very important to us. In this Privacy Policy we explain how Fracht Australia Pty Limited meets the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles.  

Collection of Personal Information 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited only collects personal information that is necessary to enable us to provide you with the services you have requested.  

If you choose not to supply us with the personal information requested, we may not be able to provide the appropriate type or level of service that you require.  

Fracht Australia Pty Limited will not adopt, use or disclose any identifiers that have been assigned by another agency such as Commonwealth Government Agency identifiers unless the use or disclosure is necessary for the organisation to fulfil its obligations to the agency.  

How we collect your Information? 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited will only collect personal information by fair and lawful means. We will not collect sensitive information unless you consent to the collection of that information verbally or in written form. Or the information is reasonably necessary for us to collect to meet our legislative requirements.  

We may collect personal information from you in a number of ways, including directly (by telephone, email or surveys), through documents which we ask you to complete and through our various web services and our web-site where you have asked for personal access.  

How do we use your Personal Information? 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited will use your personal information for any purpose for which you have given your consent and in ways that you could reasonably expect including but not limited to:- 

  • Enable us to meet our requirements to legislative or enforcement bodies
  • Undertaking marketing or customer satisfaction research in relation to our services
  • When handling complaints and disputes
  • Assessing and processing employment applications  

Whenever we contact you for marketing purposes we will give you the opportunity to “opt out” or “unsubscribe” from future marketing communications. You may also contact our Privacy Manager at any time to opt-in or opt-out of our marketing programmes.  

Storage and Security of Personal Information 

Personal information is principally held in our electronic database maintained within Fracht Australia Pty Limited’s computer network. Fracht Australia Pty Limited maintains appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal data you provide against accidental, unlawful or unauthorised destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.  

Disclosure of your Personal Information 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited will not use, sell or disclose any personal information about an individual for a purpose other than the primary purpose for which it was collected or if we are legally required to do so to any Government or enforcement bodies.  

Accessing your Personal Information 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited aims to ensure that the personal information we collect and store is relevant and accurate, up to date and complete. When you wish to correct or enquire about your personal information, we will accommodate such a request by the named person or their authorised representative promptly. Any amendments may be subject to confirmation. 

Making a complaint 

If you have reason to believe that Fracht Australia Pty Limited have in any way compromised your privacy in our handling of your personal information, you may contact our Complaints Manager by email to   We will try to resolve your complaint in accordance with our Complaints Resolution process.  

Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Commitment to this Policy 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited fully abides by all laws and regulations concerning personal information protection.  

The Fracht Group Social Media Privacy Policy 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited and the Fracht Group has a Social Media Privacy Policy which can be viewed here. Fracht Australia is committed to adhering to this policy.  

Updating this Privacy Policy 

Fracht Australia Pty Limited reserves the right to review and update the contents of this Privacy Policy at any time and without notice.  

Contact Information 

If you have questions or queries about this Privacy Policy or if you wish to access your personal information, please contact us by email



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