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Fracht Australia - COVID-19 Response


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Fracht Australia -COVID-19 Response


Dear Clients

In these turbulent times, we hope you and your families are safe and healthy.  

We wish to advise you of some specific responses of Fracht Australia to COVID-19, and need to request some help from you - our valued clients.


  • We would like to advise that our continuity plans have seen a number of employees taking leave, and a significant number of our employees working from home. All non-essential meetings have been cancelled or postponed. However, we need to advise that none of these changes were made in a haphazard way. We are certain that you will not notice any change to the Customer Service you receive from Fracht Australia
  • We would ask that you please let us know if there are any changes at your Company that we need to be aware of. If your company is closing down for a period, if warehouse hours are reduced, or contact details have changed, please let us know as soon as possible.  
  • If, as a result of any changes you are implementing, you will be unable to accept goods Fracht are handling on your behalf, it is extremely important that you contact us urgently. Should you require goods to go into short-term storage, in some circumstances we may be able to help you find a solution.
  • We are committed to arranging payments to our suppliers in accordance to the terms we have been given. As a result, it is extremely important that we are also paid in accordance to terms we have offered. Payments must be paid on time. Unfortunately, if payments are not received in accordance with our terms, we will request your account be made up-to-date before any further deliveries are arranged. If any freight is held, all applicable charges including but not limited to demurrage, detention, storage will be for your account. Payment for these items may be required before shipments are released.


Together we can get through this!

We thank you for your assistance and cooperation and we wish you all a Happy Easter.


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